Pest Control

Argentine Ants Linepithema Humile Feeding On Food Scraps. San Se

Bug Stop Services Is Thorough With Inspections

Bug Stop Services will perform a thorough inspection to determine the cause of your pest problem and develop a custom plan to solve it. Our technicians are licensed and insured to work in every state and area. 

Pest Indentification​

Contact Bug Stop Services to identify the species of pest involved, help you design a system that works.

Locate Colonies

Treat the colonies directly if possible.

Use baits for colonies that cannot be treated directly using baits designed to eliminate the colony.

Locate Colonies

Don’t Purchase Retail Ant Baits! Almost all over the counter baits sold at local hardware and retailer stores do not contain the same levels of attractants or ingredients as the baits professional use. Even though the package and the advertising make incredible claims regarding performance of the product, consumers waste millions of dollars annually on these types of ant bait products that just do not work. Although aerosol sprays will kill on contact, that will do little to the ant colony which is the source of the problem.